Professional Bodies: Inspiring Languages
Inspiring the Future provides a quick and easy way for schools and employers to connect. As in the UK, we expect to have hundreds of volunteers who use languages in their jobs who’ve offered to go into schools to talk to pupils.
This could include lawyers, civil servants, engineers and psychologists, using their languages in organisations ranging from travel companies to government agencies, from PR companies to banks.
Languages may include French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese, Urdu, and many more.
The volunteers may be requested to take part in different activities, whether it’s a whole school assembly, a session as part of a multicultural event, judging competitions or simply to talk to small groups of pupils.
The head of a UK careers guidance organization wrote:
“Inviting working professionals into schools to give pupils first hand insights into the breadth of the jobs market and its recruitment demands is a great example of the sort of good practice that ….schools should include when providing young people with effective independent careers guidance.”
Read our user friendly practical guide to Inspiring Languages.
How to get involved as a Professional Body
When your employees or members are completing their Inspiring the Future volunteer profile, they can simply select the languages they can speak in the ‘Specialism’ section in ‘My Profile’, and they will be available to schools and colleges in their chosen geographical area as a language volunteer