Guides and Resources for Schools
Here are some useful free resources about education and employers working together to help young people.
Event checklist for Schools & Colleges
We have put together a checklist for you to make planning an Inspiring the Future event at your school as simple as possible. This is split into two sections In Advance and On the Day.
Checklist for Schools and Colleges
Easy steps guides to hosting Inspiring the Future events
These practical easy steps guides give advice and tips on hosting Inspiring the Future events in your school.
Easy Steps to Subject Talks with Inspiring the Future
Easy Steps to Career Insight Talks with Inspiring the Future
Easy Steps to Getting Resume Help with Inspiring the Future
Easy steps to Mock Interviews for jobs or going to university with Inspiring the Future
Easy steps to running a Primary Futures 'What's my Line" event
How to run your ‘Career Speed Networking’ event
This short guide gives teachers step by step advice and ideas on how to plan and run a career speed networking session.
Please download the guide: How to run your own career speed networking event
Download our example questions for pupils: Example questions in speed networking
Inspiring the Future – School Presentation - This short practical guide gives teaching staff creative ideas for how to use Inspiring the Future.
How to use volunteers in a Primary School
This short guide has been developed by primary school teachers to help other primary school teachers and staff think about new ways to use employee volunteers in the classroom and gives tips and suggestions on how to use volunteers to enrich the primary curriculum
Please download the guide here: Curriculum resources
Inspiring the Future easy steps events booklet
This short booklet gives teachers advice and ideas for how to use Inspiring the Future volunteers and organise activities for students in their school or college.