
Rationale for Inspiring the Future

Research evidence shows that there is a practical need for Inspiring the Future.Here is a summary of the main issues in improving career choices, employment and social mobility.

Read the Rationale for Inspiring the Future

Employer Engagement in Education: literature review (January 2014)

A report for CfBT Education Trust by Dr Anthony Mann, Director of Research and Policy with James Dawkins, Research Analyst at the Education and Employers Taskforce. The publication reviews wide-ranging UK and international literature exploring the impact of employer engagement in education, in its different forms, on the employment and attainment outcomes of young people.

Read the full report

Teacher and pupil voices on employer engagement (January 2014)

A report by Dr Anthony Mann and James Dawkins setting out insights from three focus groups and five semi-structured interviews undertaken by the Education and Employer Engagement research team between 2011 and 2012. The report captures the views of secondary school leaders and classroom teachers, and young people between the ages of 14 and 16, on employer engagement in education, its different forms, and expected impacts.

Read the full report

Profound employer engagement in education: What it is and options for scaling it up (October 2013).

A report for the Board of Trustees of the Edge Foundation by Dr Anthony Mann and Dr Baljinder Virk, Education and Employers Taskforce. This report aims to provide a critical review of research and public policy literature concerned with the characteristics of engagements between employers and schools, focusing on school provision for the age group 11-18: it does not examine provision in Further Education Colleges or Apprenticeships.

Read the full report

Nothing in Common: Career aspirations of young Britons mapped against projected labour market demand 2010 – 2020 (March 2013)

A report in the Taskforce’s Occasional Research Papers series published in collaboration with b-live and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. The report maps the career aspirations of 10,729 British teenagers against the projected demand for UK employment over the period 2010-2020 as established by UKCES analysts. A statistical measure shows that the aspirations to have nothing in common with projected employment demand.  The report includes full details of teenage occupational aspirations segmented by age andby the type of school attended.

Read the full report

Employer engagement in British secondary education: wage earning outcomes experienced by young adults (March 2013)

An article from the peer-reviewed international Journal of Education and Work exploringthe links between the earnings of young adults and the extent of school-mediated employer contacts they were exposed to as teenagers. The article draws on detailed statistical analysis to demonstrate wage premiums linked to employer contacts of up to 18%.

Read the full report

Closing the Gap: how employers can change the way young people see Apprenticeships

This think piece by the Education and Employers Taskforce and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Dec 2012) explores young people’s views of Apprenticeships, and the practical steps employers can take to help them to gain a more informed understanding of them.

Read the full report:

Report identifies clear link between work-experience at school and job prospects in later life

The quality of teenagers’ work experience is strongly linked to future careers but must rely on more than just their parents’ connections, a heads and employers report by the Education and Employer Taskforce says (May 2012). Meeting diverse employers helps them find opportunities.

Read the full report: /media/15807/work_experience_report__april_2012_.pdf

It’s who you meet

The Education and Employers Taskforce’s groundbreaking ‘It’s who you meet that stops you being NEET’ research shows a significant link between young people’s experience of the world of work whilst at school and the chances of them becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) as young adults. 26.1% of young people who could recall no contact with employers whilst at school went on to become NEET. This reduced significantly to 4.3% for those who had taken part in four or more activities involving employers (career insights, mentoring, work tasters, work experience).

The research ‘It’s who you meet: why employer contacts at school make a difference to the employment prospects of young adults’ by the charity the Education and Employers Taskforce is based on a survey undertaken pro-bono by YouGov which asked young adults aged 19-24 about their current employment status and to reflect on their experiences of the world of work whist they were at school.

Read the report and watch the video: /research/taskforce-publications/its-who-you-meet/

New duty on schools to secure careers guidance

New Education Act 2011 places state schools under a duty to secure access to independent careers guidance for pupils in Years 9 – 11. (Came into force April 2012.)

Read the full DfE guidance:

Poor language skills a £7.3 billion ‘tax on trade’ for UK

A new research report The economic case for language learning and the role of employer engagement the Education and Employers Taskforce argues the economic case for language learning in Britain and how employers can help. The decline in language learning is holding back both young people and UK plc. The report highlights consistently high employer demand for people with foreign language skills and how our lack of skills in effect creates a £7.3 billion ‘tax on trade’ for the UK.

Employers can help young people understand the value and practical uses of language learning in working life through Inspiring the Future.

Read the full report: The economic case for language learning and the role of employer engagement

Social mobility lagging behind other nations

Social mobility in the UK is lagging behind other nations, says a major new Sutton Trust report. Life chances remain stubbornly linked to your parent’s education.

Read the full article:

For further information visit the Education and Employers Taskforce Researchsection.