Inspiring the Future- Event/Activity Teacher Feedback

Did the event proceed as scheduled? *


What was the context for the planned event? *

If you ticked "Other", please describe the context below

How long did the event/activity take (in hours) *

How many young people attended this event? (Approximate number) *

How many of those young people were Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Australians (Approximate number) *

To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements? *

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
"I would recommend Inspiring the Future to a colleague in my school/college or similar institution"
"I was able to find the types of volunteers I wanted for this event/activity"
"The young people found this Inspiring the Future event/activity useful"

Please comment on the potential benefits/impacts this event is likely to have on individuals and groups of young people

Name of Volunteer 1

How good was this volunteer’s contribution?


Name of Volunteer 2 (If applicable for this activity))

How good was this volunteer's contribution?


Name of Volunteer 3 (If applicable for this activity)

How good was this volunteer's contribution?


Name of Volunteer 4 (If applicable for this activity)

How good was this volunteer's contribution


Name of Volunteer 5 (If applicable for this activity)

How good was this volunteer's contribution?


Would you be happy for the Inspiring the Future team to contact you for a quote or further feedback? *

How easy was it to use the Inspiring the Future technology? *


1 2 3
If other, precise:

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being excellent), please rate the overall quality of Inspiring the Future volunteers who have attended your school *

Please provide any comments or ideas on how Inspiring the Future could be improved (including details of any resources that you might find helpful)?