How did you turn out after school?
Share the ups and downs of your career story with young people
Very few people have a ‘dream run’ at career success. For most, their story involves hard work, extra study, recognising and acting on opportunities and overcoming set-backs with resilience and perseverance.
As they say, “My overnight success was years in the making…”
Inspiring the Future is a campaign aimed at sharing authentic career stories with school students and we would love to have people like you commit just one hour a year to share your career story.
What would you like to share with younger versions of yourself, still in school and facing an uncertain future?
Can you help students appreciate the wealth of current and emerging career opportunities before them and the importance of a good education as a foundation to future success?
Conversely, we shouldn’t hide workplace truths from students. Not everything goes to plan. Failure is part of life. Business and entire industries go through hard times. Drought, economic shocks, technological and structural change are no longer exceptions.
Young people often see others in their careers with rose-tinted glasses, only seeing success, wealth and happiness. When they encounter a hard time in their career, it can derail them early on, as they think they have failed.
How have you dealt with the hard knocks and challenges? What did you do to overcome them? On the flip side, what is it that you love about your career and your industry sector that young people might not intuitively appreciate?
There are thousands of career, education and training, and recruitment sites selling the career dream.
But what students value the most is a fair dinkum conversation with someone who’s been there, done that and come out the other side with a smile.
Please help spread the word and together we can Inspire the Future.